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  5. دوره های آموزشی ایمنی شغلی، بهداشت و محیط زیست

دوره های آموزشی ایمنی شغلی، بهداشت و محیط زیست

کد دوره عنوان دوره
AIFC-HSE-01 Sustainability, Energy and Change
AIFC-HSE-02 Carbon Footprint - Basic
AIFC-HSE-03 Carbon Footprint - Advanced
AIFC-HSE-04 Environmental Metrics and Measurement – ISO 14031
AIFC-HSE-05 Water Industry Fundamentals
AIFC-HSE-06 Emergency Dispatch & Control Centre Operation
AIFC-HSE-07 The Complete Net Zero Emission
AIFC-HSE-08 Carbon Management
AIFC-HSE-09 Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)
AIFC-HSE-10 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
AIFC-HSE-11 Fundamentals of Decarbonization
AIFC-HSE-12 Hazardous Waste Management and Pollution
AIFC-HSE-13 Marine Pollution Management Fundamentals
AIFC-HSE-14 Methane Emission Measurement & Mitigation
AIFC-HSE-15 Oil Spills and Pollution: Prevention, Response and Recovery
AIFC-HSE-16 Sustainable Gas Supply & Demand
AIFC-HSE-17 Waste Management and Circular Economy
AIFC-HSE-19 Developing and Sustaining an Effective Safety Culture
AIFC-HSE-20 Safety Leadership
AIFC-HSE-21 Process safety and HSE Economics
AIFC-HSE-22 Gas Explosion and Other Hazards of LNG Facilities
AIFC-HSE-23 Hazard Communication (HAZCOM) for the Oil and Gas Industry
AIFC-HSE-24 Health, Safety and Environment KPIs
AIFC-HSE-25 International Safety Management (ISM) Code Familiarization for Maritime and Offshore Oil and Gas Professionals
AIFC-HSE-26 Introduction to Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET)
AIFC-HSE-27 ISGOTT & SIGTTO Requirements related to Tanker and Oil & Gas Terminal Operations and Safety
AIFC-HSE-28 Drilling Rig Inspection
AIFC-HSE-29 LNG Plant Safety
AIFC-HSE-30 Major Emergency Response Management
AIFC-HSE-31 Marine Environment Protection
AIFC-HSE-32 Marine Safety
AIFC-HSE-33 Offshore Safety & Risk Management Systems
AIFC-HSE-34 Prevent Disastrous Decisions
AIFC-HSE-36 Radiation Safety
AIFC-HSE-37 Root Cause Analysis using Tripod Beta Method
AIFC-HSE-38 Safety Audit & Site Inspection
AIFC-HSE-39 Safety Case Development & Application
AIFC-HSE-40 Safety Management Best Practices
AIFC-HSE-41 Storage & Handling of Toxic Chemicals and Hazardous Materials
AIFC-HSE-42 Contractor Safety Management
AIFC-HSE-43 Hazardous Area Classification
AIFC-HSE-44 Accident and Injury Prevention for Petroleum Workers
AIFC-HSE-45 Advanced Accident Investigation & Reporting
AIFC-HSE-46 Advanced Operation & Safety Practices in Terminals Handling Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
AIFC-HSE-47 Advanced Safety Leadership
AIFC-HSE-48 Construction HSE Hazards Crude Oil Tanker Cargo Operations Best Practices
AIFC-HSE-49 Industrial Fire Fighter 1 - Basic
AIFC-HSE-50 Industrial Fire Fighter 2- Advanced
AIFC-HSE-51 Industrial Fire Team Leader / Fire Officers 1&2
AIFC-HSE-52 Industrial Fire Incident Operation Management
AIFC-HSE-53 Industrial Fire Brigade Incident Commander
AIFC-HSE-54 Hazardous Material – Awareness
AIFC-HSE-55 Hazardous Material – Operation
AIFC-HSE-56 Hazardous Material – Technician
AIFC-HSE-57 Crisis management training course for CMT members- Basic
AIFC-HSE-58 Crisis Management Training Course for CMT Members- Advance
AIFC-HSE-59 Management of Major Emergencies (MEMIR)- Offshore
AIFC-HSE-60 Incident Command System 100 & 200
AIFC-HSE-61 Incident Command System 300
AIFC-HSE-62 Pre-Incident Planning
AIFC-HSE-63 Fire Incident Investigation
AIFC-HSE-64 Storage Tank and Associated Facilities Fire Hazard Management Workshops
AIFC-HSE-65 Emergency Planning for Major Accident Hazards Workshop
AIFC-HSE-66 Fire and Gas Detection Principles
AIFC-HSE-67 Firefighting Foams for the Oil, Gas, Petrochemical and High Hazard Industries
AIFC-HSE-68 Fire Systems Integrity Assurance (FSIA)
AIFC-HSE-69 Gaseous Fire Suppression Systems
AIFC-HSE-70 LNG Hazard Awareness and Fire Hazard Management
AIFC-HSE-71 Practical Hands-On Storage Tank Fire Fighting
AIFC-HSE-72 Water Mist System Design
AIFC-HSE-73 Strategic Crisis Management: Incorporating Security & Major Emergency Response
AIFC-HSE-74 Combustible Dust Hazards
AIFC-HSE-75 Hazards of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM)
AIFC-HSE-76 Occupational Exposure to Carcinogens
AIFC-HSE-77 Occupational Exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica - General Industry
AIFC-HSE-78 Specifications for Accident Prevention Signs and Tags
AIFC-HSE-79 Sound silencer design principles
AIFC-HSE-80 Design principles and calculations of industrial ventilation systems
AIFC-HSE-81 Principles of design and calculations of lighting systems in manufacturing and process industries
AIFC-HSE-82 Familiarity with new techniques of sampling and measuring harmful factors – Based on NIOSH and OSHA test Methods
AIFC-HSE-83 Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
AIFC-HSE-84 آشنایی با کدها و استاندارد های ایمنی فرآیند و HSE